
Lyndsey Walsh is an American artist, writer, and researcher based in Berlin, DE. Lyndsey has a Bachelor’s in Individualized Studies from New York University and a Master’s in Biological Arts with Distinction from SymbioticA Centre of Excellence in Biological Arts at the University of Western Australia. Lyndsey is enthralled by the ruptures in the corporeality of culture caused by technology. They are also fixated on the creatures that are born from these ruptures, as they embody both collective cultural fears and technologically mediated desires.

Lyndsey’s practice employs queer and intersectional feminist frameworks to question the tensions that can exist surrounding these creatures whose very existence resists cultural and anthropocentric binaries of human-non-human, diseased-healthy, and life-machine. Currently, Lyndsey is a visiting scholar and researcher with the Department of Experimental Biophysics at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, and they guest lecture at various institutions and universities. Their work has been exhibited globally and featured in art events and with institutions such as Frieze Art Week New York, the Humboldt Forum, the Ural Biennial, the Berlin Biennale, Transmediale/CTM, and more.

For all inquiries, please contact via email. 


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Lyndsey is an American artist, designer, writer/editor, and lecturer based in Berlin, DE. Their work explores the instability surrounding the cultural and social aspects of disease, identity, the body, death, human and non-human relationships, and speculative narratives on the future. Currently, Lyndsey is a visiting scholar and the resident artist at theDepartment of Experimental Biophysics at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin in collaboration with the UniSysCat Cluster of Excellence, and they guest lecture at various institutions and universities. Lyndsey is also a contributing writer for CLOT Magazine.

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For all inquiries about teaching, guest lectures or commissioning writing, editing, or design work, please contact via email.

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Bir akış meselesi for Art Unlimited by Gülşah Mursaloğlu (Turkish)

Diskussion ums Phantom Baby :Ausstellung zur möglichen Zukunft des Gebärens for Tagesspiegel by Vanessa Oberin (German)

Matter of Medicine? Matter of Witchcraft? for Art-in-Berlin by Lisa Rocke (German)

Insight: Matter of Flux Festival, how to look at critical issues of our contemporary world for CLOT Magazine by Julliette Wallace (English)

Insight: Matter of Flux, reflecting on nature, matter & health of female & non-binary bodies for CLOT Magazine by Annique Cockerill (English)

Exploring science and intimacy through artificial reproduction in Greece for Makery Media by Elsa Ferreira (English and French)

Self-Care by Lyndsey Walsh: Questioning bodily identities associated with disease, gender, and care for Underground Art and Design Magazine (English)

Helsinki: m/other, or how to explore animal, political, artificial maternities for Makery by Elsa Ferreira (English and French)

Events: Vospiel transmediale 2022. I’m Daddy in CLOT Magazine (English)

«Мышь давно умерла, но ее клетки участвуют в проектах по всему миру». in Knife Media (Russian)

 “Интервью со спикером. Линдси Уолш”. Interview in VK. (Russian)

“Lyndsey Walsh: bio-artist”. Podcast Interview for SciArt Talk.  English)

Выставка «Искусство и естественные науки — 2021» in Del’Arte (Russian)

Синтез науки и искусства. В галерее ИТМО выставка биоарта «Искусство и естественные науки – 2021» in St. Petersburg State Television (Russian)

“LYNDSEY WALSH Return of the Teratoma”. Interview for X-Press Magazine. (English)

Selected In Print:

Tagesspiegel: 15 June 2023

©2024 Lyndsey Walsh