Bir akış meselesi for Art Unlimited by Gülşah Mursaloğlu (Turkish)
Diskussion ums Phantom Baby :Ausstellung zur möglichen Zukunft des Gebärens for Tagesspiegel by Vanessa Oberin (German)
Matter of Medicine? Matter of Witchcraft? for Art-in-Berlin by Lisa Rocke (German)
Insight: Matter of Flux Festival, how to look at critical issues of our contemporary world for CLOT Magazine by Julliette Wallace (English)
Insight: Matter of Flux, reflecting on nature, matter & health of female & non-binary bodies for CLOT Magazine by Annique Cockerill (English)
Exploring science and intimacy through artificial reproduction in Greece for Makery Media by Elsa Ferreira (English and French)
Self-Care by Lyndsey Walsh: Questioning bodily identities associated with disease, gender, and care for Underground Art and Design Magazine (English)
Helsinki: m/other, or how to explore animal, political, artificial maternities for Makery by Elsa Ferreira (English and French)
Events: Vospiel transmediale 2022. I’m Daddy in CLOT Magazine (English)
«Мышь давно умерла, но ее клетки участвуют в проектах по всему миру». in Knife Media (Russian)
“Интервью со спикером. Линдси Уолш”. Interview in VK. (Russian)
“Lyndsey Walsh: bio-artist”. Podcast Interview for SciArt Talk. English)
Выставка «Искусство и естественные науки — 2021» in Del’Arte (Russian)
Синтез науки и искусства. В галерее ИТМО выставка биоарта «Искусство и естественные науки – 2021» in St. Petersburg State Television (Russian)
“LYNDSEY WALSH Return of the Teratoma”. Interview for X-Press Magazine. (English)
Selected In Print:
Tagesspiegel: 15 June 2023