“I would set us free from the word mother. May your body be yours again; may your blood belong to you again. Even to the dead mothers: may your body belong to whatever yo might have become had you not been strapped to the service of breeding.
And to the blossom of every girl ever born: May that violent rush of cosmic possibility in your body, between your legs, be let loose from reproduction. May you open yourself to the cosmos, creating new constellations. May it wreck the wrong world back to life.” From Thrust by Lidia Yuknavitch (2022)
“Unbearable” is a series that attempts to queer so-called “reproductive” organs and, by embodying the words of the author Yuknavitch, free them from their services of breeding. “Unbearable” sets loose an unruly and technologically mediated imagination to explore how these organs could mutate and transform beyond reproductive narratives and the stories history has attached to them.
Inspired by global issues concerning reproductive justice an the artist’s own queer identity, “Unbearable” hopes to reclaim biological materiality and reject biological determinism.
While “Unbearable” are organs that cannot carry any reproductive potential, they instead spawn potential freedoms and liberties for individuals to carry.
With the loss of the functionality of heteronormative biological potential, they are free from medical, legal, and social obligations and can now reach for and generate new stories and meanings. Their existence spawns questions about what other purposes these organs could play in a body. Their aesthetic and monstrous appearance sets out to live up to Yuknovitch’s call to “wreck
the wrong world back to life”.
“Unbearable” specimen numbers 199400001-199400005 have been commissioned and supported by TAEX, an interdisciplinary platform for Crypto Art, and curated by Dr. Margarita Kuleva. The work debuted with Frieze Art Week New York at the Unititled Space Gallery in Soho and it has publicly drop as an NFT collection exclusively with TAEX in March of 2024.
“Unbearable” is available for purchase exclusively with TAEX here.
And to the blossom of every girl ever born: May that violent rush of cosmic possibility in your body, between your legs, be let loose from reproduction. May you open yourself to the cosmos, creating new constellations. May it wreck the wrong world back to life.” From Thrust by Lidia Yuknavitch (2022)
“Unbearable” is a series that attempts to queer so-called “reproductive” organs and, by embodying the words of the author Yuknavitch, free them from their services of breeding. “Unbearable” sets loose an unruly and technologically mediated imagination to explore how these organs could mutate and transform beyond reproductive narratives and the stories history has attached to them.
Inspired by global issues concerning reproductive justice an the artist’s own queer identity, “Unbearable” hopes to reclaim biological materiality and reject biological determinism.
While “Unbearable” are organs that cannot carry any reproductive potential, they instead spawn potential freedoms and liberties for individuals to carry.
With the loss of the functionality of heteronormative biological potential, they are free from medical, legal, and social obligations and can now reach for and generate new stories and meanings. Their existence spawns questions about what other purposes these organs could play in a body. Their aesthetic and monstrous appearance sets out to live up to Yuknovitch’s call to “wreck
the wrong world back to life”.
“Unbearable” specimen numbers 199400001-199400005 have been commissioned and supported by TAEX, an interdisciplinary platform for Crypto Art, and curated by Dr. Margarita Kuleva. The work debuted with Frieze Art Week New York at the Unititled Space Gallery in Soho and it has publicly drop as an NFT collection exclusively with TAEX in March of 2024.
“Unbearable” is available for purchase exclusively with TAEX here.